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The TAP program

how it works

TAP uses an AI and NLP-powered WhatsApp chatbot called TAP Buddy that uses co-curricular electives and self-learning as a medium to develop 21st-century skills for middle and high school students from marginalised families in India.


The chatbot serves a video-based curriculum that prompts students to perform projects independently. TAP Buddy provides personalized guidance, video resources, and motivational support.

The Curriculum

The curriculum is designed to develop skills like confidence, problem-solving, communication, self-awareness and problem-solving. They also provide students with world exposure to break their mental barriers and build a growth mindset. All curriculum is aligned with the UNICEF Comprehensive Life Skills Framework and National Education Policy 2020.

TAP Students have the chance to choose from the following courses:


Since its inception in 2016, our organisation, The Apprentice Project (TAP), has made significant strides in creating a positive impact on the education landscape. The students using our model actively for 120-150 minutes every week for more than six months have shown an increased ability to be creative, solve complex problems, develop healthy identities and manage emotions and personal goals much better than their peers.

*based on 2022-2023 impact data

TAP measures the impact on our students based on behavioral goals set at the start of a program. The behavior goals are based on international frameworks such as the Skills Builder Universal Framework and UNICEF's Comprehensive Life Skills Framework.

tap student stories

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A visual representation of the ‘Dream Board’ which is an activity created for children to make a list of things that are basic needs and things that they want to specifically purchase. 

This activity has helped students think and compartmentalize things that are important to them and understand how to financially plan to obtain things from their list. 

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